Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Thailand, 21 years later

Sailing with my dad and my sister on the West coast of Thailand.

I have such fond memories of Thailand, what an incredible country!  Over the course of two years my sister and I spent a lot of time there.  We moved to Thailand in grade 5 with my father while my mom went back to school to complete her Masters degree.  We were homeschooled by my dad and we stayed at a beautiful resort called Royal Blue Lagoon on Lamai beach, Koh Samui.  It was a magical time, it truly was unforgettable, everything was so new and I'm sure we were wide eyed the whole time.  We spent the first 3 hours of every morning studying all the required subjects.  My father had the accredited curriculum and all the textbooks.  He did such a great job that when I returned to Canada, I was ahead of my class.  We would spend the morning “at school” and then we would have the afternoon off and my dad would work at the resort.  Dom and I would play in the pool, or chase crabs on the beach; the freedom to roam was priceless at that age.  We would make friends with other kids that stayed at the hotel, I remember meeting families from Germany, France, Russia and countless others.  An education in culture, real world learning at its finest.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Reflections on India

This gentleman was very interested in my bike, so he sat with me while I ate lunch. This was just another experience I had where we didn't speak the same language but we communicated via the bike.  When you cycle through India you're not a tourist, you're a cyclist which is infinitely more rewarding.

I wanted to share some experiences that I had in India that stuck with me.  Even now the memories are still so fresh, I think India is fascinating on so many levels, so here are a few stories I wanted to share: