Wednesday, July 30, 2014

On the road again...

I'm really excited to be heading out on another trip!  The photo above is to show the route I'll be taking.  It took a lot of time to decide the best route for this trip around the world, I found that having a map in front of me really helped.

Red pin denotes the start and finish of my trip.  It's hard to see but there is a light white string linking each pin to the next.  I just wanted to get this blog updated again by logging in and updating a few things.  Upward and onward!

I've found myself thinking about how fortunate we are to be Canadian.  As I walked through the grocery store on my last day and looked at the abundance of food, I can't help but think that a large majority of the world doesn't have access to the food that can be found in a Superstore in Canada.  It's just incredible to think of how lavish and spoiled we are...

Getting ready for work the other day, I remarked to myself how lucky I am to have a long hot shower...knowing that I'll be in some hot countries, it may be my last for a while.  This triggered thoughts on how lucky we are to live in BC.  A province that has virtually unlimited amounts of water.  Not only do we have clean water, we also produce reliable electricity with it.  Which led to me thinking about how we water our lawns.  People walk for hours to get to a well in places in Africa, there are countries that I will soon be visiting where this is their reality.  We use a lot of our water to keep our lawns green, seems so wasteful and a little ridiculous...I don't know where I'm going with this but just the thought of travelling has me starting to analyze how I live.  That's why I love to travel because it challenges our understanding of our living situation and changes our perspective on important issues.  Travelling is an education on the human condition, I believe it brings us closer as a species, and that my friends is priceless.

Peace be with you,